How to Apply to Cambridge University in 2024 Entry
Applying to Cambridge
As one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, the University of Cambridge and its counterpart, Oxford, has an admissions standard and procedure fittingly tough for its global reputation. When preparing Oxbridge Applications and preparing to take on the Cambridge admissions team may not be for the faint hearted, but our team of writing experts is on-hand to help, ensuring that you deliver a brilliant Cambridge application, including a personal statement the Cambridge admissions team will fawn over. Securing your admission need not overwhelm you; entrust the writing of your Cambridge personal statement to expert writers, and get ready for the next step of your academic future.
Cambridge Application
The more research you can invest in prior to your Cambridge application, the better off you will be. The University of Cambridge has a rich history, some of the highest global employability rates and, as one might expect, an extremely rigorous and selective application process. Your application and individual statement must successfully demonstrate the way you think and the way you work, successfully communicating why these facets of your personality would make you an ideal fit for a course of Undergraduate or Postgraduate study.
The Cambridge application process can be broken down into several key stages, somewhat different from what you might expect from UK universities outside of the elite ‘Oxbridge’ pair:
Course Selection - Tuition at the UC, no matter the course or discipline, is often based around small groups and one-on-one study sessions. Rather than continued assessment and coursework, a great number of courses rely 100% on exams for students’ assessment.
College Selection - The collegiate system is part of what makes studying at the UC so unique. Students apply to one of thirty-one colleges, within which is provided accommodation, catering services, and study space. Once you have selected your college, the application process can really begin.
UCAS Deadline - The application deadline, via UCAS, is earlier than all other university applications. This deadline is set for October 15th every year, and all applications must be in by 6PM (GMT).
Additional Paperwork - Given the competitive and high-pressure nature of an application, you should expect to pull out all the stops. Additional forms or online paperwork relating to your application, will be required. The Cambridge admissions team will want to know, in great detail, why your chosen subject is the perfect fit for you. Academic excellence is the name of the game, and this mindset should shine through in every aspect of your application.
Application Tests - For most subjects, additional testing is required before you can be invited for interview, or secure your place. These tests are designed so you can demonstrate how you think, not merely show what you know. Specific guides on acing these tests are available online.
Written Work - You may be asked to attach samples of your written work to your application. The Cambridge admissions team will be keen on seeing how you lay out your work, and how it demonstrates your thought process, as well as your aptitude for your chosen subject.
Interview - If all else up until now has gone to plan, you may be invited to interview with representatives from your chosen college and subject / course. Interviews take place in December every year. More information about the interview process can be found online.
Decision - Following your interview in December, you will be informed by January if you have been offered a place. Conditional offers tend to cover grade ranges from A*A*A - AAA in terms of A-Levels, or 38-40 if you are an International Baccalaureate student.
Cambridge Personal Statement
Oxbridge applications can seem to many like an uphill struggle with a very low chance of success, compared to most other universities. The rumours are only true in part: whilst it is entirely true that the admission rates at Cambridge are a more difficult battle to win than at many other UK universities, there is no reason why you cannot win a place, if you are a dedicated, passionate student, and you present yourself in the best light through your application. Writing a personal statement for any university application can be a daunting prospect that many describe as extremely stressful, or even as a part of the application process they have ‘no idea how to begin’.
A statement suitable for a Cambridge application should be capable of demonstrating everything that makes you an ideal student for such a prestigious institution, aside from your academic results and transcripts. In an interview scenario, your own statement will undoubtedly represent a large part of the conversation with the Cambridge admissions team; the ‘powers that be’ will want to hear all about your passions, your motivation and about everything that makes you exceptional. Bound by UCAS’s 4,000 character limit, your statement must be succinct and detailed, varied and balanced, representative of your ability to condense your rich personal and academic history into a relatively small space. Our expert writers are keen on making sure your UCAS personal statement is written as well as possible, and sums up everything about you that makes you an ideal student.
Admission for Cambridge University
There is a great deal more than academic prowess that makes for an ideal student. For many, attending Cambridge or its equally prestigious counterpart Oxford is a passion project stretching back many years. The list of past graduates span generations of the same families, and if you are keen on taking your place at one of the most historic and impressive educational legacies in the world, it is in your best interests to ensure you paint the best picture of yourself as possible when it comes to your Undergraduate or Postgraduate application.
Our company is the UK’s leading writing and editing service, when it comes to crafting professional and un-plagiarised individual statements on behalf of prospective students. Our expert writers are all graduates from the UK’s top universities, and are keen on sharing their knowledge, skills and expertise when it comes to assisting you with your Cambridge application.
Our process is easy: we offer a choice of services, ranging from editing a preexisting personal statement on your behalf, to penning an original one from scratch. Our ‘Elite’ service is perfect for Oxbridge applicants, making sure to highlight all the necessary details, and ensuring your application stands out from the crowd. You choose the service, from a proofread or edit of an existing statement. Simply fill in a form describing your motivation, academic and non-academic history, and our writers do the rest. Gone are the days of stress and anxiety when it comes to writing your own statement; you can rest assured that our writers will do the heavy lifting, whilst also ensuring you remain fully in control of the content, through optional editing opportunities and feedback.
Oxbridge Applications: How to Get Into Cambridge University
When it comes to Oxbridge applications and applying to Cambridge, you can never be over-prepared. Conducting prior research into your chosen college and the history of your chosen subject as it is taught at Cambridge, are details that can make a real difference to your application. Important also is preparing ahead of time for an admissions test and, of course, your interview; resources are eminently available online for all prospective applicants to Cambridge, with anecdotes and tips from previous applicants, as well as the university itself. When it comes to ensuring your personal statement is as well prepared as every other aspect of your application, our writers are on-hand to help.
Entrusting the writing of your own statement for your Cambridge application to the writers at Personal Statement Service has the added impact of ensuring any additional stress is removed from your shoulders. We ensure that a bespoke, detailed and successful statement is produced on your behalf, all the better to secure your place on an Undergraduate or Postgraduate course.
Keen to find out more about how we can help with your Oxbridge application, at Undergraduate or Postgraduate level, from within or outside the UK? Please do not hesitate to get in touch!