
Additional Services

As well as providing Personal Statement Services, we also have a range of further services and tools that can help increase your chances of being offered a place at university. Our experienced writers will ensure that your CV, cover letter, letter of recommendation or reference is well-written, error-free and engaging. While our career questions service will help prepare you for success.

Personal Statement Services

Applying to university is a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it is for your first degree course. Whether you have the grades but find yourself scratching your head when it comes to outlining why you want to pursue your chosen course, or you simply worry about your spelling and grammar, our writers can help your statement shine. It is easy to sell yourself short, but our talented team can help you to do yourself justice.

Our writers know how to ask the right questions to ensure you do not forget anything vital on your statement. Too many applicants omit relevant information on their applications, potentially losing them the university place of their dreams. With our help, you do not have to be one of them. Getting into university will be one of the most important days of your life, so why not make sure you have the best chance of succeeding? 

  • My career aims have long been clear in my mind. I want to work in the business world, and Newcastle offers many different courses within this general subject area. I am sure that the statement the company write for me was an important factor in my successful application.
    — G Underwood
  • After studying the History of Art at A-level I was very keen to do a degree in Architecture. My A-level predictions were strong, so I tried for Cambridge and was very well supported by a superb personal statement written by the company.
    — L. Stewart
  • Looking at the syllabuses of various universities I soon discovered that Cambridge offered the best course available. The competition was phenomenal so I tried the company’s service and received a top-grade statement to support my application
    — D. Harris
  • There is no better vet’s course than the one at Cambridge, and none more difficult to get into. The company’s personal statement really gave me the edge over other applicants. It was clear, fair, informative and stylish.
    — R Mortimer
  • I am a keen scientist with a passion for technology and my ambition is to work for one of the great engineering companies. A Cambridge degree would be the passport to such a career, and the company’s personal statement made my application very effective in standing out from the others.
    — J Phillips
  • I was very ambitious and went for Cambridge because I knew its Economics course was absolutely superb. I don’t think I would have stood a chance of success if it hadn’t been for the great statement written for me by the company. Going to them for help was the best decision I ever made.
    — R Walker
  • I never had any doubt about wanting to do a Fine Art degree, and Oxford offered the best. I asked the company to put my personal statement together for me and the excellent piece they sent me was absolutely central to my success.
    — F Nash
  • Oxford is undoubtedly the top place for Classics and I longed to go there. I turned to the company to help me with my personal statement and was immensely impressed by what they sent me. It was well written and very persuasive, giving a very positive impression of my academic and personal strengths.
    — H.Guest

Why Choose Us?

We are the UK’s leading personal statement service.