Results day 2013

The day ' the all-important results day - is nearly over, and has passed for most students in a haze of whirlwind celebrations, frantic phone-calls and commiserations.' The nail-biting is over; futures are determined; new walks of life are paved; for some, the pain can end.' It has been no joke.' As non-students may derive from this subtle hyperbole, the 15th August has been one of the most stressful days yet of students' education careers: most will have read the first two sentences with a feeling of justification for their unreasonable behavior today. 'Nevertheless, now is the time for them to explore their futures, rather than be stuck in no-man's-land.' Over the next few days, some will eagerly be adding themselves to university facebook groups, chatting to potential friends, and stocking up on books and exciting kitchen utensils they never knew existed.' But others, who have not found a suitable position through Clearing, may be feeling like no-man's-land was quite a comfortable place to stand in in comparison. To these individuals, we want to say 'all hope is not lost!' ' do not give up on your aspirations just because you messed up that one exam, or because you couldn't find a university in Clearing you wanted to go to.' Each year, many students decide to spend another year re-taking exams to boost their grades.' Having another year to explore what they really want from a course or university is sometimes more beneficial to their overall university experience than if they had been accepted the year before.' If trying again next year is the choice you decide to make, there are two key things that you should do to prepare yourself for getting in:

  • REVISE ' there is no other way to put it, however much you have grown to despise this word.' Grades do not make themselves; hard work and graft is the bottom line.' Boosting grades is the most likely way you will convince universities that they want you at their institution.' Getting In's original, expansive and direct revision guides are one source that can support you in achieving this goal, and bring you one step closer to being accepted.
  • Work on your PERSONAL STATEMENT.' Sometimes, quite simply, this can let you down.' If you're the most enthusiastic maths student, but can't express it in words, universities will not spend the time finding out from your school or college what you're 'really like'.' They will either dismiss you from the pile, or may give you a conditional offer of high grades.' However, with an excellently written statement, they may offer to accept you with lower grades.' This is where Getting In's statement service can help ' our team of writers can work with you as an individual to do yourself justice on paper, and persuade your favoured university that you will also do them justice.
  • So as you can see, all is really not lost: shake off your disappointment, think about what you want and get started on getting in.


    Preparing for University in 2013-14


    Clearing 2013!