Politics personal statement example

Politics personal statement example With parents who are active in local council affairs, it is hardly surprising that my central interest in life is in politics and the issues that it involves.  I have been brought up surrounded by political discussion and debate.  I have helped my mother during election campaigns and I have been fortunate enough to gain work experience as an intern in the Home Office in London.  Politics is a subject I am eager to study at degree level, particularly from the point of view of its sociological context.  I should like to understand how human social behaviour either directs or responds to a country’s political structure.  What aspects of social organisation are necessary for democracy to thrive, and why do some countries find it so difficult to maintain a healthy parliamentary system?  I am very much aware of the way that what might be called social issues become a feature of mainstream politics.  Race, gender, a sense of national identity (or lack of it), the environment, and the impact of new technologies all have their political significance.  I am also interested in the role and size of the state in people’s lives, the concept of freedom, the extent of rights, as well as the basic ideologies of right and left.  The historical context is also a central interest for me.  What have been the key developments since 1945 which have produced the present political conditions, and how far can one predict the political future?  It is a subject full of the fascination of the real, and demands our attention because it is the impact on our own lives that we are considering. I also believe that it is essential to examine a variety of political systems and processes in order to decide which would best suit the needs of different countries and regions.

In my summer internship at the Home Office I was able to work closely with senior officials, which gave me invaluable insight into the ways MPs operate and the functioning of the parliament itself.  It was very inspiring and fired my ambition to study for a degree in the subject.  While in the international relations section I was given the task of meeting and welcoming ambassadors from countries such as Germany, India and the USA, another privileged role which confirmed my ambition.  I assisted my mother during her campaign to be elected as a councillor, which revealed what hard work it is to gain power and how important highly developed persuasive skills are in the business of politics.

I am academically able, and have a number of languages, including fluent English, good Spanish and some French and Italian.  A familiarity with languages is an essential for a political operator in an increasingly international world.  At school I have held several posts of responsibility.  I was head of the boarding house at my junior school, which involved taking a lead in things and addressing audiences with confidence.  I captained the school netball team, and was the MD in our Young Enterprise group, where I learnt how to manage and control a chaotic group of people!  I am an eager participant in the “King’s Parliament” at our school, which is modelled on the Commons, and recently attended a lecture by John Bercow.  I am always keen to keep abreast of developments in global politics by following stories in the media.

I am a hard-working student, always focussed on my goals and full of determination.  When I set myself an objective I always give it my best shot.  I believe I am very observant, but I am very much aware of how much I have to learn.  I am always keen to understand new ideas, and I am full of curiosity.  My colleagues see me as confident and as someone with a strong personality. My ambitions are very clear and my commitment to them is total, and I believe I have the necessary qualities to become a very successful undergraduate.

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