Midwifery Personal Statement Sample

My strongly-held belief that midwifery is an essential healthcare service stems in part from my personal experiences. I was born with a disability that may have come about during either my mother’s pregnancy or during childbirth. This has made me highly aware of the pivotal role that midwives can play in safeguarding the health of both mother and child. Midwives are faced with the challenges of monitoring the health of the expectant mother and baby, as well as the heavy responsibility of offering guidance to the mother that balances her preferences with the healthcare needs of the child. Combined with my passionate belief in the central importance of midwifery and my desire to put my skills to use to care for people’s health, these challenges and responsibilities motivate me to pursue a career as a midwife. My A-Level studies have helped me to better understand various aspects of childbirth, in the process expanding my appreciation of the importance of midwifery. In addition to learning about the factors that are conducive to a safe pregnancy and a healthy childhood, through studying psychology I have gained a greater understanding of a mother and child’s interaction, something that I believe is absolutely essential for a midwife. It has taught me, for example, about the processes that lie behind ante- or post- natal depression, as well as the different ways in which individuals are influenced by the opinions of others, a highly relevant factor for a profession based in part around giving advice such as midwifery. I enjoy academic work, and feel I am particularly strong with regards to carrying out independent study.

Through completing several different voluntary roles at a range of charities, such as MENCAP, Wheels for Wellbeing and Whitgift SNAP, I have developed a range of core caregiving skills, not to mention a profound respect for others and an unshakeable belief in treating all individuals with dignity. Furthermore, exposure to various women-centred environments within a Sure Start Centre has allowed me to increase my confidence and develop crucial organisational skills, as well as giving me experience of the particular challenges facing women with infants. At the Centre’s breast feeding sessions, I observed the difficulties that mothers can experience with latching their baby on; I gained an appreciation of the position of responsibility a midwife has in such situations, through observing how the midwife at the centre was able to reassure mothers and suggest different breastfeeding positions. Through spending time with various mothers, I became aware of the diverse range of needs, outlooks and beliefs expressed by different individuals, and in the process came to understand how one challenge facing midwifes is to help mothers with childbirth and baby-care whilst being sensitive to these different factors.

I have also spent time shadowing various healthcare professionals, an experience which has helped me to understand the complex balancing act of many different specialists working together to provide healthcare effectively to patients, as well as giving me an awareness of how factors such as service cuts and changes in local birth rates can affect the work of midwives. This collection of voluntary and work placement experiences has strengthened my resolve to face these challenges through becoming a midwife.

I like to maintain a range of hobbies and interests outside of the classroom. I enjoy kickboxing, a pursuit which has enhanced my skills of perseverance and self-discipline; I believe these attributes are crucial for a midwife. The experience of completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award recently has been enriching, as it helped give me experience of working as part of a team and being resourceful in moments when the unforeseen happened. Such experiences will, I feel, be of use to me in my chosen career.

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