Medicine Personal Statement

Medicine interests me because it offers the intellectual fascination of a complex and rapidly developing science, but it has, of course, the added attraction of being a richly human study as well. My observations of the medical world have shown me that the qualities of the good doctor are the essential ones of compassion, understanding and patience, and I feel that there could be no more fulfilling career than that of the medical practitioner. The intricate structure of the human body has always fascinated me and I would like to develop and expand my understanding of its nature by studying medicine.  I believe I have the ambition, passion and drive, as well as the academic ability, to succeed in the subject, and I have already taken constructive steps to comprehend modern medicine and gain relevant life experiences. Last year I prearranged to shadow a number of doctors at Wexham Park Hospital. I gained an understanding of the systematic way in which a modern hospital operates and I observed the fundamental qualities required of the doctor in today’s society. I came to understand that doctors need to be confident, empathetic and humane when communicating with patients. In addition, I worked alongside the radiology department and observed how staff use different imaging radiographic techniques, included X-rays, IVU, CT scans, MRI scans and Ultrasound in the diagnosis of disease. From this, I undertook some research into the imaging technology currently used in medicine. I also organised a week working in a GP surgery where I became aware of the significance of privacy and confidentiality when dealing with the personal life of a patient.  I also carried out a work placement in a pharmacy, where I gained an insight into how drugs are used for various diseases and became familiar with their names. To combine my interest in medicine I read science-based magazines including ‘The New Scientist’, with particular attention to paediatric issues such as the lack of government funding which has deprived many children of receiving vaccinations for meningitis in the US.

I enjoy working with children and I organised a placement in a primary school coaching sports. I found that in order to achieve a good bond with a child you must be patient and ideally be enthusiastic and lively. This would clearly apply also to paediatric medicine, which is my special interest, as dealing with a child who is experiencing serious health problems would very much require the right attitude and manner. At the other end of the age spectrum, I participate in an ‘Age Concern’ home-visiting programme, visiting an elderly woman. In doing this I have developed my communication skills and understanding of the issues which affect the elderly. In addition, I am proud to have completed a course qualifying me as advocate.

I have participated in a number of charitable events, because I have a keen desire to help others. I volunteered to help in a local ‘Cancer Research’ charity shop. I also involved myself in the Youth Action Team where I was involved in V Trek. This was a three day camping expedition acknowledged by V Inspired Volunteer Organisation. This event built my confidence in communicating with a wide variety of people.

At school, I contribute to many aspects of the school community and am Deputy Head Girl. This position helps me develop many skills including school spirit, leadership, teamwork, public speaking and academic commitment. This experience has helped me become an independent individual and I have learnt to deal with the many different situations that I encounter.

I am hard-working, and have the ability to remain calm under pressure, which I know is an essential in a doctor.  I feel that I have a strong calling for medicine in my life and will enjoy the experience of learning something new daily, and I believe I can make a momentous contribution to this fast moving world of scientific endeavour.  I hope you will consider my application.


Hopefully this Medicine personal statement example will provide inspiration for your own personal statement to study Medicine at university.


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