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International Relations and Politics

Since a young age, I have been fascinated by relationships between countries and the significance of these; how such relationships influence our lives is extremely engaging, and dialogue is an aspect of International Relations that particularly intrigues me. Studying International Relations and Politics at university will enable me to develop my pre-existing skill set, to share my perspectives with my peers, and to learn from my colleagues and tutor's alike. Holding a high interest in wartime agreements and treatise I hope to gain the essential academic qualifications and practical experience to enable my progression into a career that aids international and domestic dialogue and helps work towards positive outcomes in periods of conflict. During my time at school and when undertaking work experience, I have learnt and developed many skills that will be beneficial to my university career and to my studies. When coming to the UK for my A Levels, my English was not advanced and my perseverance and determination allowed me to triumph in this battle; I now hold good scores in IELTS, which is a testament to my endeavor and self-motivation. My original A Level results suffered because of my struggle with English, but I am now confident that these will be greatly boosted by my linguistic achievement.

My summer internship at The Bank of China allowed me to experience a professional environment and to broaden my communication, interpersonal, organizational, team work and leadership skills; I enjoyed the fast paced atmosphere and thrived within my role. Providing high quality customer service and acting as a liaison between the public and the higher ranking members of staff was an engaging element of my position, and I constantly aimed for client satisfaction; providing customers with accurate advice utilized my research skills and allowed me to hone these within tight time constraints. This will help me when working to deadlines at university and when undertaking preparatory reading for class. I learnt valuable lessons in how to manage relationships with colleagues of all ranks and enjoyed witnessing different types of interactions ' I have learnt much from this and very much look forward to utilizing my interpersonal skills at university both socially and academically. Throughout my work experience my confidence grew and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with The Bank of China.

Acting as organizer of the school music club, I extended my organizational aptitude and put on many events - our most successful being a charity fundraiser for the damages caused by the Wengchuan earthquake of 2009. I especially enjoyed running this event as charity is close to my heart and I believe in helping others less fortunate. During this time I learnt the importance of duty and responsibility and again used my communication and methodical nature to reach our monetary goal. I am an excellent leader and drove the team to success ' I was able to discover the strength and weaknesses of my team members and applied all of their positive traits to set tasks all the time working towards a common objective. Having enjoyed this organization role, I hope to continue this area of interest within my extra curricular life at university.

At Cheltenham College, I joined the Morley Society, a society for the politicians and historians of the college to debate and discuss their interests and reading with one another, and to travel to events as a group. One of the highlights of this group was partaking in a mock election, and during this task I developed my interest in UK politics and political tactics. Each team demanded much from individual members and I took this opportunity to develop my analytical skills and enjoyed working in a group, supporting and helping other members with their workload. I highly anticipate this element of university studies ' group projects and mock events are excellent ways to learn essential academic qualities and to also build upon interactive and supportive skills in preparation for progression into a career.

Being a logical and efficient worker, and having gained much insight into professional skills and to those that we can hone at school, I hope to be able to move forward to further education and take full advantage of the excellent learning opportunities on offer. Learning gives me much confidence and I look forward to accomplishing my life targets with the first step being made in my progression to university education and to eventually obtaining my desired qualification.

If you need to get help with your personal statement, have a look at this International Relations and Politics personal statement example for a helping hand.