Economics Personal Statement Example

  Economics Personal Statement Example


Applying for a degree in Economics has been a long held ambition of mine, and since early adolescence I have been interested in and very engaged with how economy systems function and how this can impact upon human behaviour. Learning about the intricacies of economic decision-making and its influence upon business is an element of my chosen degree subject that I highly anticipate. Continuing to further education will allow me to immerse myself in all aspects of university life whilst striving to achieve academically and within my extracurricular activities. Having younger brothers and sisters, I would also like to lead by example and encourage them to have the confidence to attend university and to eventually forge careers on their personal successes.


During my school career I have proactively built up a varied skill set that will be hugely useful to me at university; my interpersonal, communication, teamwork and organisation skills were all nurtured during work experience and part-time employment, as were my mathematical competences. Currently I am taking an Access to Business course and have greatly enjoyed economics, business and finance modules; focussing on economics will allow me to input my abilities and interests into a degree, eventually enabling my progression into a career in the financial sector.


Working as a waitress in a London based Malaysian restaurant allowed me to build my confidence in a customer-facing role and to increasingly take on more responsibility. My interpersonal and communication skills benefited from my time spent waitressing, as did my time management – I am adept at prioritising tasks within a tight deadline and this is a capability I look forward to utilising at university; my studies will profit from my organised character and methodical approach to work. I also learnt indispensable teamwork skills and how to effectively take charge when needs be. Being an able team player and also a leader is a trait that will aid me hugely at university and I anticipate group projects and individual work because of this – self-motivating and motivating others is a fundamental skill that will be of advantage to me during further education and within my chosen career path.


I took pleasure in learning the financial side to the business when working in the restaurant. Dealing with payments and closing accounts at the end of the day stimulated my interest in finance and I enjoyed performing these tasks with accuracy and efficiency; during this time I was able to build up my mathematical skills and to learn new ones with specific relation to business transactions. Being a member of my school’s business club I had the opportunity to nurture my long-lived interest in business; we learnt about business ethics, how to run an effective business, and how to produce business plans. I took pleasure in discussing business issues with my peers and hope to partake in similar activities whilst at university. Reading the Economist and various business and economics broadsheet supplements has enabled me to speak knowledgeably and diversely on many business and economics topics and I look forward to learning the opinions of others and sharing my own during further education.


Whilst volunteering at my library I developed my systematic and logical abilities and I take pride in my contribution to the community. I was given the responsibility of checking books in and out and I helped to organise the annual reading campaign. Meeting and helping customers during this time was rewarding and I hope to undertake similar voluntary roles at university.


Utilising the many skills that I learnt whilst at school and outside of education will benefit me when at university and I hope to be able to demonstrate my endeavour and diligence when studying Economics and to draw on my wide work experience and the many aptitudes that I honed during this. I learn quickly and thrive under pressure, being able to make decisions quickly within a tight timeframe. I look forward to both building up my pre-existing skills and to learning many new ones whilst at university.



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