Computing Master's Personal Statement

My interest in computing has developed out of what I believe is a natural aptitude for the subject and a deep belief in the importance of IT in the modern world.  My first degree has given me an excellent grounding in information systems, covering both the science of computing and the ways in which it can be applied to the human world.  I have gained a good knowledge of the mathematics which underlies computing, of the various types of programming and software engineering and the architecture of systems, but what really caught my imagination was the notion of the possibilities inherent in the technology to make life more efficient and productive for human beings.  I should like to investigate this further by studying for a Master’s degree which focuses on human-centred IT systems, or perhaps the ways that advanced applications can be developed in business and management.  My ambition is to make my career in the IT industry, working in a successful organisation on system design and applying my knowledge to whatever IT context I find myself in. The role of computer systems in our daily lives is already immense and is only likely to grow.  Early interactive systems were lacking in efficiency and responsiveness and tended to lead to client and customer frustration, and there are many problems like this still unsolved at the present.  E-commerce can only be successful if the customer feels comfortable with the IT facility he or she is offered, which must allow him or her to find the required product with as little effort and technical frustration as possible.  Government systems too have caused irritation and bewilderment in citizens through inefficiency and opacity, and solutions to the difficulties in this field are central to the workings of democracy.  Security is another human-centred IT area which needs much development, calling for mechanisms that human beings can operate easily and businesses can trust. Then there is a whole area of IT provision in health care that calls for constant updating and refining, from the design of medical devices to the establishment of information systems throughout a nation’s medical services.  It is clear that my chosen career field is very wide and full of opportunity, and I believe that I am well placed to make a contribution to this increasingly important world.

I have been a successful undergraduate, noted for my ability to work hard and for my determination.  Work experience placements have given me a realistic idea of the world of employment and business.  I worked briefly in a retail clothing business, where I was made very aware of the importance of maintaining the goodwill of customers through answering queries, preparing stock and generally keeping the outlet orderly and attractive.  It was useful experience in dealing with the public and gave me good training in communicating with people and understanding their needs.  For six months I worked as a receptionist in a clinic, dealing with telephone calls for appointments, updating the company system and helping clients.  It provided lessons in quick thinking, communicating and solving problems.  I learnt how to work as part of a team and the importance of reliability and punctuality.

Outside my IT interests I enjoy a varied social life with friends and family.  I love reading and travel, and have visited a number of countries in Europe as well as Turkey.  Turkish is my mother tongue, and I have fluent English and some French.  I use my computer extensively in all my academic work.

I am a responsible and highly motivated student with a clear view of what I should like to achieve.  I work well with others, but also have the confidence in my own judgement to be able to work happily on my own.  I am well organised in my studies and I delight in the challenge of new ideas and the need to learn new skills.  I am a good listener and respond very positively to instruction.


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