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Civil Engineering Personal Statement

For as long as I can remember, I have been immersed in a world defined by civil engineering and construction. Ever since childhood, I have been determined to follow my father’s path into the civil engineering field. Growing up in a family whose business is construction, I have seen the incredible things that can be achieved by a well-conceived and effectively executed engineering project. I am absolutely determined to make a positive contribution to the world through civil engineering; to achieve my considerable ambitions it is essential that I gain the very best engineering training available. I am continually searching for new opportunities to learn more about civil engineering. I am an active student member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, the conferences and talks of which I attend whenever possible. Doing so has placed me in the fortunate position of gaining insights into the profession from established civil engineers. Through participation in such events and through my own studies, I have developed interests in many different aspects of civil engineering.  For example, at present I am particularly fascinated by the area of the materials used in civil engineering projects, in particular with regard to the way in which materials are often chosen based on cost considerations alone. Learning more about this inspires me towards the possibility of being involved in the future in engineering projects in which innovative and environmentally friendly alternatives are used. Such challenges convince me that a career as a civil engineer would be highly rewarding.

It has been a pleasure to gain work experience in the field of Civil Engineering. I have held a number of different internship positions at my father’s company. Through these placements, I have gained an excellent understanding of the considerations made by civil engineers when working on complex projects. During my internships I observed meetings between contractors and engineers, and was also able to spend a considerable proportion of time discussing engineering projects with the company’s engineering experts. Perhaps the most useful aspect of the work experience was learning about how successful civil engineering projects are completed as a result of excellent working relationships between contractors, engineers and architects. The work experience I gained at my father’s company has inspired me not merely to become a civil engineer, but to become one of the very best in the industry.

Away from engineering work experience and studies, I have put my dynamism to use in a range of other pursuits. In the past I have worked as a brand ambassador; this position allowed me to put my creative and entrepreneurial side to use in the form of developing new marketing strategies. It was rewarding to see my innovations translate into increased sales of the product that I was promoting. Whilst at school I was an active member of my school’s basketball team, through which I learnt the true meaning of teamwork. I also put my leadership skills to work by setting up a Social and Environment Club, the objective of which was to raise money for charities that provide humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural disasters such as the Pakistan floods and the Japanese tsunami.

I believe that I am an exceptionally resilient individual whose commitment to reaching the pinnacle of the civil engineering profession is unsurpassed. The strength of my passion for this area is demonstrated by the way in which I responded to the disappointment of not fulfilling my clear potential at A Level. The experience was a salutary lesson that has taught me never to take success for granted. Since that day, I have invested the full some of my efforts into my engineering studies. I believe that I have the drive and the aptitude to succeed in Britain’s best civil engineering department, before going on to working towards Chartered Engineer status and taking my father’s construction company forwards.