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Business Personal Statement

My passion for business has been ignited by a wide range of work experience. I hope to combine this first-hand experience with structured academic studies of the theories of finance and business to learn how to succeed in business and achieve my ultimate goal of running my own business. Through my A-level studies of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology I have developed excellent analytical, statistical and logical skills which will be valuable for my business and finance related studies. These studies will provide the financial and management tools which, when added to my entrepreneurial spirit, will give me the rounded skills to be a successful businesswoman.

My practical business experience includes part-time roles in a local hotel, working in the service side, accounts and the general manager’s office. As the recession hit, the hotel had to make major operational changes to boost revenues. I observed the challenges that management and finance faced putting into practice conflicting business theories and plans in a period of economic uncertainty. For example, in stronger economic times it was important that pay and reward were used to motivate the workforce, but in a recessionary world, pay cuts were required to protect jobs. It will be interesting to see the effect on staff morale of the trade-off between lower salaries and greater job security in the wider economy. Will employees see this as evidence of a supportive long-term employer, or will the most skilled people seek larger salaries elsewhere? These are the types of issues and problems I look forward to addressing during a Business degree.

In addition to this experience I have secured a six month contract at a large property services company to spend my gap year working in a variety of departments. This will build my understanding of business, for example how businesses plan for an uncertain future in the current period of change, risk and volatility and when they should stop making cuts to protect cash flow and move to investment for growth.  It will enable me to add real value to student discussions on a range of topics in which I have first-hand knowledge.

I have also applied my business skills to help the wider community.  I have worked on numerous charitable activities including one providing meals for poverty outreach. I was responsible for budgeting and distribution in a scheme that used surplus food from local businesses and fed over one hundred people a week. This was incredibly rewarding and taught me how business can be used for social enhancement.

I enjoy learning about global business trends by reading ‘The Economist.’ Recently I have found the debate on different government strategies of cost-cutting to reduce the deficit (UK and Europe) versus continued government investment (USA) particularly interesting. I look forward to observing how the BRIC emerging economies will develop through the current tumultuous economic period and how management theories of the last fifteen years developed in a positive economic environment will now fare.

Outside of my studies my other passion is music. I write music, play the piano to Grade 6 standard and sing, having taken lessons for over ten years. My dedication was rewarded when I was selected to sing solo at an international concert in Paris. I look forward to joining a musical society to make the most of my university experience. These activities have taught me the importance of determination and commitment in order to achieve my goals, and that a passion for the subject matter leads to more enthusiasm and better results.

My academic, work and personal experiences have all provided the key building blocks for a future career in business: an analytical mind, a broad knowledge base and the tenacity to succeed.  I will be a hard working and dedicated student, enthused by the course subject matter, and motivated by the desire to achieve my ambitious goals.


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