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Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

I have always found the workings of the human body extremely intriguing: its ability to fight disease and repair itself is one of the great miracles of nature. It was my study of Huntington's Disease for my AS Biology coursework which focused my interest; the complexity of the human brain, and the concept that one faulty gene can cause such devastating problems, appealed to my keen interest in the complex responses of the body to threats. Huntington's has never been cured, and its causes and potential cure present a fascinating challenge to me. Reading "Huntington's Disease: The Facts" in the course of my research, a text which is aimed at sufferers and their carers, gave an insight into disease management. Combined with my reading around Minocycline, a drug tested to improve symptoms and longevity of sufferers, I feel I have a rounded understanding of the disease and ultimately would like to go into research for a new drug to help people with this condition. This degree would be an excellent pathway into genetic disease research as a future career. I have studied the three Sciences and Maths at A-Level, and found this immersion in the broad discipline confirmed my genuine interest in this field of study, on which I have set my sights for a degree. The strong grounding in all workings of the human body and its responses to threats and medicines, provided in the early stages of a Biomedical Sciences degree, would give me an excellent basis to conduct worthwhile research in future, and I am keen to develop the necessary practical laboratory skills which are required of scientists working towards disease prevention. The opportunity to undertake an individual project appeals to my keen focus and independent work ethic and I am already drawn to conduct research into neuroscience and related diseases, as previously mentioned. I am currently attracted to biomedical academia as a future career, but the opportunity to gain experience in other potential settings both clinical and industrial would be valuable for me.

I feel I have developed a varied set of skills due to my life experiences. Living abroad in Sweden and the USA meant moving schools a lot and therefore I had to learn to adapt to new situations, such as attending the international school at Stockholm. Being initially unable to learn the language in Sweden, I was driven to learn it quickly and be able to communicate effectively with my peers. I have always been a proactive member of communities in which I have lived, at home and abroad. Attending international schools and taking on positions of responsibility in my schools made me a rounded and responsible individual, and as I have grown older I have put these skills to use wherever possible. Before I was old enough to volunteer, during my time in America, I hand made and sold wool bookmarks for a local animal charity alongside studying for entrance into one of the top high schools in the country, a feeder school for Stanford University, for which I gained a place. I learnt early on to enjoy pushing myself to achieve highly, and so during Year 11 at my English high school, I joined the yearbook and prom committees, as well as becoming a prefect and goalkeeper for the netball team which came 2nd in the Hampshire trials. I have recognised a strong competitive streak in myself which inspires me to lead others and multitask. I chose to work in River Island alongside my AS-levels and still gained the grades I needed, and found achieving this time management very rewarding despite the heavy workload. Although radically different to my charity and science work, I am proud to have gained an NCFE in Dress Making, as I have a creative side which thrives on productivity and practical skill. I also love animals and recently completed a voluntary charity bungee jump for a local dog charity, having been inspired by my rescue dog, who was saved by an animal welfare charity. I raised £200 and found it a testing yet rewarding experience.

The broad base of Biomedical Science, which incorporates elements of all three sciences and yet allows for specialisation in fascinating areas of research, is ideal for me. UK universities offer world-class training in the field, and as I would be very interested in further study or work abroad, I feel I would benefit greatly from studying this subject in the UK. Biomedical Science provides an ideal opportunity to specialise in health and disease, with broader opportunities than a Medicine pathway, and I would be keen to explore the possibilities open in the study of disease prevention and management through a demanding yet comprehensive course.


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