Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Sample

The global economic crisis has brought into relief the increasing value of financial awareness and skills, to advise bodies from businesses to governments on decision making. I chose to study Business at GCSE in order to delve deeper into business management and structure, wherein I discovered a keen fascination for finance, but it was my mother’s redundancy from a company 6 months into the recession which cemented my focus. I was determined to understand why some organisations survived and others failed, impacting on everyone from employees and their families to customers and staff themselves.  I am thus keen to become a fully qualified Accountant, with a long-term view to become a Chief Executive Officer in a business in future, to help avoid devastating crises in future times.  

Maths has always been a passion of mine: its rules, expression of abstract ideas through models, and intriguing problems play a role across diverse industries. A-Level maths has consolidated my numeracy and I have enjoyed learning Accounting precepts through wider reading to focus my knowledge on the financial sector, as well as  several Gresham lectures online to enhance my understanding of current issues. I particularly enjoyed a lecture on the extent to which accounting principles “caused” the recession, which underlined the relevancy of accountancy to financial security, and reforms within the discipline that will make working within it exciting. My long-standing fascination with forensic science inspired me to study Sciences to understand the complex scientific techniques and logical approaches used in solving crimes and draw new exciting conclusions; to this end, I also read “Popular Science” magazine regularly to keep abreast of new developments in the field.


I arranged work experience at a doctor’s surgery last summer to gain insight into its multifaceted daily business: healthcare, like economics, is integral to the welfare of society. I undertook a variety of admin tasks including appointments and filing of patient records, and my attention to detail with filing gained me an extension on my placement to help ensure that all the documents were up to date for the upcoming inspection. I particularly enjoyed observing the management of resources within the clinic and other financial business handled by a public body, which interested me in a possible future career in public sector finance. I also volunteered weekly at my local Age Concern for 4 months, where I befriended the elderly and became close to one gentleman who was living alone with no friends or relatives. His stories about his travels and the War were fascinating and I felt extremely lucky to gain his trust and friendship. I have also regularly volunteered at my local Sikh temple over the last 2 years and gained awards for service. At school I was an elected prefect and mentor for students from primary to secondary age, and the sense of satisfaction I gain from helping others has made me increasingly focused on a career which will help ensure society’s security.


In my spare time I enjoy a range of sporting activities, including football and trodai classes. Trodai has been useful in gaining self-defence skills and confidence, and as well as gaining medals in tournaments I am only a few grades away from my black belt. I also enjoy chess, which develops my strategic skills, and teaching myself keyboard.


The evidence required to make the key decisions in business comes directly from finance, and thus Accounting is integral to effective management and ultimately success. It is clear that qualified financial professionals are more needed than ever, and the chance to achieve something important daily through my skills and knowledge would make for a highly rewarding career. I feel I have the mental agility, flexibility and passion to achieve my goal, along with the motivation to help improve our daily lives through effective management and financial responsibility.



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