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Radiography Personal Statement

  Sample Radiography Personal Statement

My huge advantage to this profession is my dedication. I have proven this by seeking vast and varied experience to support my application.  I have partaken in open days at Claremont hospital, The Royal Hallamshire hospital and Northern General hospital. This gave me confidence to pursue this career further after talking to staff and patients and listening to their experiences.  I ensure that I attend all of the open days at universities to give myself the opportunity to speak to current radiography students as well as listen to lectures.


I have also done a placement at Claremont hospital, where I had experience working alongside the imaging department and observed the machines including plain radiography, MRl, CT and Ultrasound. This enabled me to speak at length with patients and qualified radiographers to gage what experience and knowledge would be valuable to a career in this field.


I learnt from radiographers how to produce high quality images by focusing on the lowest radiation and voltage for the patient.  I understand the value of this as without high quality images and radiographers, it id difficult to understand the inner workings of the body and therefore diagnosis becomes impossible.  The skills of a radiographer are used to identify a board range of injuries and diseases, including cancer and are crucial to the working of a hospital. This experience gave me a more thorough understanding of the inner workings of the hospital confirmed my desire to work in diagnostic radiography.  I saw how radiographers carry out instructions of doctors and liaise with them over the results. It is evident that diagnostic radiography provides a vital support role in every aspect of the hospital.


I am looking forward to my clinical placement where I will join the radiological team, producing images &undertaking a variety of procedures used to aid diagnosis and patient care e.g. the use of the x-rays & other methods of imaging such as CT, nuclear medicine, Ultrasound and MRl. I will be trained to produce the highest quality images whilst providing a high standard of care for my patients and this will cement my previous experience.


I feel that Radiography is the profession for me because of the way it is dynamic and always developing. The fact that it is at the technological forefront of the fast changing health care environment appeals to me. I am looking forward to my next experience and am currently reading anatomy books such as Clinical Anatomy, by Richard Snell to increase the breadth of my knowledge. I also read journals and online articles about diagnostic Radiography. I regularly visit the NHS website and look at the careers in the allied health professions radiographer. I also like to keep up to date with emerging technologies with the SOR (society of Radiographers) website.


Aside from the academic element, I understand the need for empathy in this profession. I have experience working with patients.  I looked after my sick father when he was diagnosed with cancer and nursed my mother for four years through her illness. I am a responsive and accurate person who is able to make decisions quickly and independently, through my life experience as a single parent, student and a school parent governor. However, I am willing to listen and assess the opinions of others and see the value in this also.  I have the ability to learn new skills and adapt to constantly changing as well as a good memory and good attention to detail.


Radiography appeals to me primarily because I consider it will enable me to carry out important tasks with skill and precision for a directly visible benefit to people. I am convinced that I would thoroughly enjoy a career in diagnostic radiography, finding it personally stimulating and rewarding. I am passionate about patient care as well as having a love of technology and I am completely fascinated by the sheer complexity of it. I find technological advancements within the medical sector such as x-rays and ultrasound particularly interesting. I am extremely enthusiastic about the work of radiographers, and especially diagnostic radiographers are an inspiration to me and cannot wait to follow this path myself.


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