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Mechanics Foundation Personal Statement

My two main passions are machines and computers. I find these two subjects to be endlessly fascinating. Both mechanical objects and computers make an enormous difference to our lives and to society. I am eager to follow a profession that would allow me to develop an in-depth knowledge of one of these two crucially important aspects of life. As a first step towards achieving this aim, I would like to complete a foundation year so that I am equipped with the skills and knowledge that will allow me to complete a bachelor's degree to the best of my capabilities. Learning about mechanics and the scientific principles behind machinery through taking a course in Vehicle Maintenance at Cherwell Valley College has been a truly enriching experience for me. The course has built on what I learnt whilst at secondary school and given me a deep appreciation for the principles of mechanical engineering that underpin the process of designing a motor vehicle. I particularly enjoy the aspects of the course that require me to work with mechanical components of vehicles; the process of learning how each component functions and how it contributes to making the vehicle work is always highly stimulating.

The course also overlaps with my interest in computers due to the fact that IT plays such an important role nowadays in vehicle maintenance processes. The way in which computers can be used in this way has furthered my interest in information technology. On the two days of the week when I do not attend college I spend my time improving my computer skills, and I am currently working towards achieving a Merit in the OCR Nationals ICT Certificate. I hope this qualification will serve as a solid foundation for gaining a more advanced understanding of computer software and hardware.

Studying languages has been another aspect of my recent education. The challenge of learning English since I arrived in the UK has been a rewarding one, and I also enjoyed taking A-Level Urdu as it gave me an appreciation of the way in which languages work.

In recent years I have gained professional skills through holding a range of jobs. I have worked at Oxfam's headquarters in Oxford, an experience which has helped me to gain an understanding of global affairs and also a sense of the importance of making a wider contribution to society rather than focusing solely on one's own needs. Working in a large supermarket has equipped me with several vital skills, such as teamwork, personal initiative, working under pressure and communicating with others.

I enjoy competing in a wide range of sports, and the awards I have received in various competitions have helped to boost my self-confidence. I am particularly strong in the area of track events, and in the past have won medals in the 400 metres and relay. I also enjoy playing football and have enjoyed similar successes whilst playing for various teams. Football is especially close to my heart because I enjoy the sense of camaraderie that results from being part of a team.

Although I am a modest person, I am proud of my academic, work and professional achievements in light of the adversities I have faced in my recent past. My family moved to the UK from Afghanistan when I was twelve years old, a transition that was inevitably trying for a teenager but which I feel I handled relatively well. For a number of years I found school work very demanding, a situation that resulted from the fact that, unbeknown to me until much more recently, I suffer from dyslexia.

I genuinely appreciate the importance of receiving a good education and am aware of the life-changing opportunities that a qualification can provide its holder. As a consequence, I approach the possibility of entering a foundation year of university with a determination to succeed and make the most of what is an opportunity that I could never have dreamed of had I remained in Afghanistan.

This Mechanics Foundation personal statement sample can be used by other students who are applying to Foundation degrees at University as a guide.