Personal Statement Service

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Law/Criminology Personal Statement

Law/criminology personal statement  

I recently watched the two day Crown Court trial of a man accused of [state offence] and I loved the excitement of the courtroom. It confirmed my desire to turn my academic interest in law into a career.


Law is my favourite A-level subject, and that which I scored most highly in (A), placing me in the top three in my year. I particularly enjoy the criminal aspects of the course. I also loved the opportunity to explore the area of [insert coursework topic]in greater depth through independent research for my coursework. This required me to utilise my ability to write clearly structured and persuasive arguments, which I have developed through studying English Language (in which I am predicted a B at A2). I enjoy when legal topics arise on my Health and Social Care A-level course such as discrimination, the Mental Health Act and client rights. I look forward to learning more about these areas during my undergraduate studies.


I enjoy widening my legal knowledge beyond the scope of my A-level syllabi by extensive reading, both of the national press and specific legal publications such as ‘New Law Journal’. I also listen to legal podcasts such as Radio 4’s ‘Law in Action’. I have found the recent debate on assisted suicide particularly interesting, with compelling arguments on either side. It will be interesting to observe how the Director of Public Prosecutions’ guidelines will be interpreted by the courts over the coming years, and whether the government will legislate on this issue.


I have supplemented my academic interests with practical work experience in a solicitor’s office specialising in [insert practice area] law earlier this year. I [say what you did/saw.] I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to [say what you most enjoyed about it]. This exposure to a professional working environment required me to behave responsibly and with maturity. I leant the fundamental importance of client confidentiality.


My previous work experience includes two weeks as a teacher’s assistant at a primary school in 2009. This required good communication skills in order to interact with both teachers and pupils. When helping with teaching I had to explain concepts to the children in a very clear and straightforward manner that they understood. This required a great deal of patience at times, a quality which will help me in my legal career. In summer 2009 I also worked part-time in a pharmacy, where I developed my customer service skills and was trusted with money handling. Both these roles required good teamwork skills and reliability.


My excellent time-management skills have enabled me to successfully balance these academic and working pursuits with a range of extra-curricular activities. I am a keen sportswoman, and was elected as my school’s Girls’ Sport Captain. My responsibilities include organising teams, preparing training schedules and ordering uniform. I have a lot of people relying on me to do these tasks effectively, and am committed to fulfilling their expectations. I have developed my teamwork and leadership skills further by also captaining my school dance team. My other passion is music; I have reached Grade 2 on the violin.


I am a very hard-working and determined individual. I am good at working to fixed timescales and always meet deadlines by planning my work well in advance. I believe these qualities will enable me to play an active role in university life whilst maintaining a strong commitment to my studies.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my application, I look forward to hearing from you.


We hope this helps you to create a well structured Personal Statement.