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Economics/Politics Personal Statement

I have long had a consuming interest in current affairs, and the political and economic ideas that appear to dominate them, and I find myself drawn to studying these disciplines because of their increasing importance and relevance to the modern world.  I was introduced to development economics after reading Amartya Sen’s arguments in “Development as Freedom”, particularly in his account of such problems as welfare in developing states, and it is my goal eventually to work for a global political organisation such as the World Bank.   At the same time I find great intellectual satisfaction in my A-level studies, and I am equally drawn by the theoretical as well as the practical side of Economics. My interest in the subject was inspired by my pursuits in business. Since the age of 13 I have run an online mobile phone and electronics business. My passion for the subject prompted me to study an AS level in Business in Year 10 independently. Additionally I took part in the Young Enterprise Apprentice Challenge, leading the winning team to a £200 profit. This demonstrates my ability to perform well in a team, as well as my entrepreneurial mindset and dedication to achievement. My work experience in the investment banking sector of Barclays Capital gave me an insight into investment, and issues resulting from the recession. This prompted me to read ‘The Return of Depression Economics’ by Paul Krugman, which highlights the worrying unseen factors that cause these economic events. I secured a three week placement with a stockbroker company in New York, visiting the exchange, exploring the position of investors and the status of shares. The experience of being at the heart of economics in action was thrilling and I would relish the opportunity to further my knowledge in this area.  The philosophical and ethical dimensions of economic and political thought also interest me.  Reading ‘Think’ by Simon Blackburn opened my eyes to a number of deep philosophical concepts, and suggested ways in which legislation is founded on moral and philosophical beliefs.

My enjoyment of debating has drawn me to Model United Nations conferences, which have enhanced my communication skills and ability to construct political argument.  I am an elected member of the UK Youth Parliament and the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth as well as various other local panels. This has allowed me to represent young people’s interests on a local and national level, mainly to decision makers and the media. It has also given me the valuable opportunity of working closely with a number of MPs, councillors and organisations.

I have always been fascinated by the political system, and feel particularly passionate about social equality. The recent recession has had a huge impact on employment opportunities for young people in my area. This prompted me to set up a youth campaign group based around resolving these issues. We are currently working with the Chamber of Commerce on developing a recognised programme for young people to learn vital skills needed in the workplace, such as effective communication skills. We are also working with employers to reduce the barriers between themselves and young people, by running workshops.

I have been a member of a local Young Arts organisation for nine years with a particular interest in acting. I contribute to all aspects of the life of the school community, regularly helping with teaching KS3 Maths and History classes as well as carrying out my role as a prefect. Balancing my various commitments with my A-level study demonstrates my excellent time management skills. I am an industrious and determined individual with a great capacity for working under pressure, both in a team and on my own. I am confident that my considerable range of experience together with my academic rigour shows that I have both a great deal to benefit from in this course and a great deal to offer it, and I hope you will consider my application.  

This Personal Statement Sample is taken from an application to study Joint Honours. Browse the website for more similar samples or individual Economics and Politics personal statements.