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Chemical Engineering Personal Statement

If any group of scientists can find solutions to the looming problems of pollution, environmental damage and the depletion of resources, I believe it is likely to be Chemical Engineers.' My ambition to study for a degree in the subject is inspired by a love of the science and of the Mathematics which provides much of its structure, and also a growing understanding of the damage to human health and the natural environment caused by motorised transport in the modern world.' My long-term aim is to work in the petro-chemical industry in order to play a part in the development of new, less harmful fuels for our future use.' Chemistry is at the heart of many of our systems.' It has produced the drugs and antibiotics which save many lives and allow human beings to live productively and actively, and we are able to feed such a massive population largely because Chemists have formulated fertilizers and pesticides which have made agriculture so successful. And yet these triumphs have in turn led to the problems which now confront us ' overpopulation, unsustainable consumption levels and consequent environmental degradation.' It is the duty of Chemical scientists and engineers to devise ways of living with these threats, and I believe totally in the power of technology to achieve this.' My ambition is to be in the forefront of this vital work, and to use my knowledge, skills and genuine enthusiasm for Chemistry to serve the world I live in. I like the prospect of working as a Chemical Engineer in a great variety of settings and contexts, whether it be collecting samples of chemicals, working in industry or carrying out laboratory research and writing reports on my observations.' I am keen to explore the workings of the molecular world by studying a combination of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Even my AS study of Economics led me to read articles and online journals such as, which often discuss the questions of sustainability and the social consequences of resource depletion.' I truly believe that there can hardly a more important subject for scientists to study.

I am academically able, with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.' I have undertaken some work experience placements which demonstrate my sense of responsibility and my readiness to devote myself to the welfare of others.' For two years I worked part-time at Kumon Educational Centre, mentoring children in Mathematics at various levels and ages.' I marked assignments and helped the Head in organizing the next day's work.' For the past year I have been working as a volunteer once a week at Brandon House care home, where I assist staff in looking after elderly people, including feeding and other activities.' I believe that this has taught me much about human sympathy and the need for patience, helped me to develop my powers of concentration and made me understand the demands of the working world.

In my spare time I am a keen sportsman. I was the elected captain of basketball for three seasons, organizing matches and scheduling training for the school team ' good practice in management, team working and leadership.' I have played cricket for the school and swum at competition level, also completing a Lifeguard Swimming Course.' I took part in an LEAP enterprise group, working in a team of six and contributing ideas to the design of the product and its marketing, which I thoroughly enjoyed because it gave me a glimpse of the real world of work.' We produced customized T-shirts and Valentine chocolates.

I hope that my planned career will let me travel. I enjoy the challenge of the new and thrive under pressure, adapting readily to new environments and new people.' I am a confident, perhaps extrovert individual, and I am good at leading a group with real enthusiasm and determination.' I have a very serious belief in the value of the work I want to do, and I believe that I have the necessary qualities to be a very successful undergraduate.

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