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Biomedical Science Example Personal Statement

  Biomedical Science Example Personal Statement


Having always had a passion for science at school and college – especially the practical aspects of biology and chemistry – I have always relished the opportunity to be involved in any extracurricular scientific activities. For example, in year 12, I volunteered to assist my school’s science technicians in setting up practical classes for other students. I therefore gained experience of working with a range of chemicals, biological tissues, and apparatus. Similarly, I have helped to set up experiments in the biological laboratories of my school for open days. Through these experiences, I developed my understanding of how various materials that are regularly used in laboratories need to be handled in terms of maintaining their integrity and with regard to ensuring one’s own safety. Moreover, my involvement in these tasks has increased my interest in science and my desire to pursue it at university.

Specifically, my interest is, of course, in biomedical science. I am fascinated by how breakthroughs in science can have such an impact on health and, therefore, society. Recently, I have enjoyed reading, for instance, on the Mediplacements website, about the links between alcohol consumption, smoking, and oesophageal cancer. Also, a short while ago, I saw an engrossing article on the Science Daily website about how those with allergies are less likely to develop gliomas and that, if they do, they are more likely survive. The findings indicate, then, that the immune response of individuals with allergies is altered. Studying those with allergies might, therefore, provide insights into how tumours can be prevented or managed. It would be a pleasure to be involved in research such as this, which is not only inherently interesting, but is also potentially of substantial clinical importance.

Outside of college, I have undertaken work experience in a number of settings that are associated with biomedical science. For example, I have completed two-week placements at both Boots and Superdrug. During these, I was able to interact with a range of patients and members of staff. It was a privilege to be able to work in environments in which I could discuss with people about how certain medications work, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, and about current research regarding the development of novel drugs. I look forward to being able to stimulate similar discussions during university. Furthermore, I hope to gain extra work experience before next academic year, and have recently Oxfam regarding volunteering for them. Additionally, it is my intention to further enhance my understanding of biomedical science by completing a placement in a general practitioner’s surgery.

In my spare time, I am involved in a range of activities that, whilst being a source of enjoyment, also allow me to foster certain skills. As a keen cricketer, for instance, I have been able to improve my ability to work well within a team. This, I believe, will be of value during group-based tasks at university, as well as for subsequently working within teams of scientists later on in my career. I also enjoy swimming, bike riding, chess and socialising, and am eagerly anticipating being involved in similar activities at university, thereby becoming involved in and contributing to the community.

Given my education, my wider reading, work experiences, and extracurricular activities, I feel that I have an excellent understanding of biomedical science and a solid foundation of knowledge on which to build. Accordingly, should I be given the opportunity, I am confident that through hard work I would be an asset to the course.


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